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Steve Gamble Anchor Health Group
"Health is Health"

"It’s time we changed the conversation around mental health and physical health.


By taking a holistic approach to HEALTH, we’re helping to remove unhelpful attitudes and stigmas that historically surround mental health, fostering an environment that encourages seeking help, and ultimately reducing suicide rates in Australia.


Steven Gamble  Founder of Anchor Health

Anchor Health is a social enterprise formed in 2017 to support the mental and emotional health of Australians through education and psychological support. The organisation and its supporters have funded tens of thousands of education programs across Australia.


Anchor Health is passionate about delivering positive outcomes for all Australians, with a percentage of all profits going back into community programs.

Our Ethos

Anchor Health Anchors

Our ethos sits upon three pillars: Mental Health Education, Connection, and Psychological Counselling Support.


Mental Health Education involves disseminating accurate information that can support mental health literacy, reduce stigma, cultivate empowerment with practical tools, and promote positive outcomes for those navigating mental health issues. We believe that informed communities are better equipped to support individuals facing mental health challenges, granting everyone the ability to participate in preventive measures and early intervention.


Connection forms another integral pillar, emphasising the power of community and interpersonal relationships in nurturing mental health. We strive to create a supportive network where individuals can share experiences, find common ground, and build a sense of belonging. By fostering connections, we aim to reduce isolation and create a more empathetic society.


Psychological Support and counselling stand as the third pillar, providing accessible and professional mental health services. Our team of trained counsellors offer compassionate support, guidance, and evidence-based interventions for individuals seeking assistance. We believe everyone deserves access to quality mental health care, and our counselling services are designed to empower individuals on their journey to emotional well-being.


Together, these pillars form the foundation of our organisation, promoting mental health awareness, literacy, community connection, and psychological support for a healthier and more connected community.

Why is education important?

Anchor Health offers a wide range of programs for schools, communities, and workplaces to support mental and emotional health literacy.


Mental health education offers a wide array of benefits across multiple levels of society:


For individuals:

  • Self-Awareness: Mental health education helps individuals better understand their own emotions and mental well-being, promoting self-awareness and self-care.

  • Early Intervention: It enables early recognition of potential mental health issues, allowing individuals to seek help and support when needed, ultimately preventing more severe conditions.

  • Resilience: Education equips individuals with coping strategies and resilience-building techniques to better navigate life's challenges.

  • Reduced Stigma: Increased knowledge reduces stigma around mental health, encouraging individuals to seek help without fear of judgment.

  • Improved Relationships: Individuals with mental health education tend to have healthier relationships due to enhanced communication and empathy skills.


For families:

  • Supportive Environment: Families benefit from an improved understanding of mental health, creating a more supportive atmosphere for members facing mental health challenges.

  • Early Intervention: Families are better equipped to recognize signs of distress in their loved ones, facilitating early intervention and access to appropriate care.


For communities:

  • Reduced Stigma: A community with mental health education experiences reduced stigma, fostering a culture of compassion and support.

  • Stronger Support Networks: Enhanced mental health awareness strengthens community support networks, reducing isolation and promoting overall well-being.


For workplaces:

  • Employee Well-being: Mental health education in the workplace improves employee well-being, leading to higher job satisfaction and reduced burnout.

  • Productivity: Healthier employees are more productive, contributing to the overall success of the organization.

  • Reduced Absenteeism: By equipping employees with mental health tools, workplaces can reduce absenteeism and presenteeism related to mental health issues.

  • Positive Work Culture: A culture of mental health awareness and support reduces workplace stress, enhancing the overall work environment.

  • Cost Savings: Addressing mental health issues early can lead to cost savings by reducing healthcare expenses associated with untreated conditions.


Ultimately, education benefits individuals by promoting self-awareness, resilience, and early intervention. Families, communities, and workplaces benefit from reduced stigma, stronger support networks, improved well-being, and cost savings, making it a valuable investment in societal health and productivity.






Counselling is a confidential and collaborative process in which a trained therapist, often called a counsellor or psychotherapist, assists individuals, couples, or groups in addressing a wide range of personal, emotional, and psychological challenges. Through open and empathetic communication, counsellors create a safe and non-judgmental space for clients to express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns.


Counsellors help clients gain insights into their issues, develop coping strategies, and make positive changes in their lives. This can involve reflecting on past experiences, identifying current obstacles, and setting goals for the future. There are many different types of counselling approaches, including cognitive behavioural therapy, talk therapy, and more – it all depends on what the client needs and the therapist's expertise.


Ultimately, the goal of counselling is to promote mental and emotional well-being, improve relationships, and enhance overall quality of life. It can be a valuable resource for individuals seeking support during challenging times or looking to enhance their personal growth and self-awareness.


Counselling can provide vital support to individuals across various areas of life:

  • Mental Health: Counselling helps individuals manage conditions like depression, anxiety, and PTSD. It provides coping strategies, emotional regulation, and a safe space for expression.

  • Relationships: Counsellors assist in improving interpersonal relationships by enhancing communication skills, aiding in conflict resolution, and addressing issues within families, couples, or social circles.

  • Stress and Anxiety: Counselling equips individuals with tools to manage stress, reduce anxiety, and prevent it from escalating into more severe mental health issues.

  • Self-Esteem: Counselling aids in building self-confidence and a positive self-image, fostering greater self-acceptance and self-worth.

  • Life Transitions: Counsellors can help guide individuals through major life changes, such as career shifts, divorce, or loss, helping them adapt and find a sense of purpose.

  • Personal Growth: Counselling supports personal development by fostering self-awareness, goal-setting, and problem-solving skills, enabling individuals to reach their full potential and lead fulfilling lives.


In these key areas, counselling plays a vital role in promoting mental and emotional wellbeing, resilience, and a better quality of life.

What is Counselling?

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